Friday, April 27, 2012

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today my sweet Rodney went to be with the Lord.  I miss him.  His children miss him.  He has missed so much just in these short, yet long, two years.  In my selfishness I sometimes wish he were here.  Here to talk to and be with.  Here to see Chrystal buy her first home.  Here to see Randy’s cartoons on the big screen and his web comics.  To see how loved and respected they are. But as I said that’s selfishness on my part.  I don’t really want him to give up what he’s experienced these last two years.  Whether it’s having a grand ole time with the Lord and our other loved ones gone before or simply a well deserved rest, he should “get” this time. 

You see, he was a giver.  He gave time, love, care, concern, advice (he really like that one!) to many people.  He gave himself, too, for me.  Husbands are told in scripture to love their wives as Christ loved the church, giving himself up for her.  Rodney did that for me. Whether it was letting me pick where we went to eat or the movie we saw or giving up his dream of being an architect so we could start our family, he did that.  Was he perfect in that? No.  He was not a perfect man, husband or father.  But he put forth the effort.  He made a conscience effort to love me as Christ loved the church.  I knew it and his children knew it.  He set a great example for them as to what a husband should be and how he should treat his wife.  He loved me.

Rodney was an encourager.  He encouraged people to do their best.  He encouraged me in whatever I was doing at the time.  Homeschooling, working with him, going for a promotion.  And he encouraged me to go for my dream of writing (even though he had given up his). He always had faith in me and my abilities.  More than I did myself.

These two years have been a roller coaster ride of emotions.  Full of sadness, joy, heartache, happiness, gratefulness, blessings.  Life goes on.  We live on.  We eat, sleep, play, work, laugh, cry.  Life happens…without him.  Through our joys and sorrows there’s something missing.  Rodney’s missing.  He can never be replaced.  The void cannot be filled.

BUT we have hope.  Hope of seeing him again.  Hope of talking to him.  Hope of being with him.  Hope because we are covered by the blood of Jesus! What glory that will be! To be with our Savior and our loved ones!

So, Rodney, thank you for loving me, providing for me, and being a wonderful example to our children.

I love you and I miss you. 

Save me a place!!


margaret wilkerson said...

Beautifully said...what a wonderful tribute.

Gabby said...

He would be so proud of you and the kids! Love you!

Joanne Grimm said...

Oh Artis, what a sweet yet honest tribute. . . you are so right, non of us are perfect but we are forgiven and we shall see each other and know each other on the other side. . . Praise Jesus, our Savior.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to read this! Thank you for sharing!

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man, Artis. I know he is so very proud of you and the kids. Thank you for sharing your heart. (((hugs)))